Moving Forward on Green Party Leadership

Media Statement – August 14th 2013
For immediate release
Victoria BC – The announcement by Green Party leader Jane Sterk that she will be retiring at the Annual General Meeting August 24th is an opportunity to build on her legacy.

Andrew Weaver and Jane Sterk

Andrew Weaver and Jane Sterk

In addition to seeing Jane Sterk step down as leader, the AGM will also see the election of several new members to the Provincial Council, including 3 Councillors at Large, a Secretary, a Treasurer and a Vice Chair.

According to the party bylaws, the incoming Provincial Council will be responsible for deciding who to appoint as interim leader and when to call for a leadership convention. The interim leader would not be eligible to run for party leader at the leadership convention.

Statement by Andrew Weaver – “ The Green Party under Jane Sterk’s leadership has grown and reached a number of notable milestones, especially in the recent provincial election. It is important that the party continues to build capacity, membership, and riding associations along with policy that reflects the values and aspirations of British Columbians. Leading this process is a full-time job that requires full-time commitment. I have an ambitious agenda for my term as MLA and achieving this requires focus and hard work. I consider it in the best interests of my constituents, the party and the province if, for now, I focus on my role as MLA and support a new interim leader who can concentrate on building the party. The next few years will see many challenges for the province, and possible opportunities for the party should byelections be held. I recognize that in the lead up to the 2017 election, should I decide to seek reelection, and if I am the only sitting Green Party MLA then it would be natural to seek leadership of the party at that time.”
Media Enquiries please contact:
Mat Wright – Press Secretary
Mobile (1) 250 216 3382

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