Official Launch of Led Bright’s Choice Liquid Cooled Bulbs — Cleantech in Action

Many people believe that the Cleantech sector is synonymous with the production of renewable energy. But it’s much broader than that. Cleantech includes the generation, transportation, storage and efficient end use of clean, renewable energy.

On Saturday, November 8, I had the pleasure of attending the official launch of Led Bright’s Choice liquid cooled bulbs. Unlike traditional LED bulbs that have complex heat transfer / sink systems (which can make some of them appear odd) these new bulbs are liquid cooled and look exactly like traditional incandescents. They are incredibly efficient, mercury free and you can even bounce them off the ground and catch them (as I am doing below) as they are shatter proof.

I’m convinced that liquid cooled LED bulbs are ready to break into the North American market. What’s most satisfying to know is that a BC-based company HighNet Energy Inc. is leading the way. Below, David-Clark Wilson from HighNet Energy, drops, and I subsequently catch a 6 Watt LED bulb once it bounces off the ground. The owner of Ross Bay Home Hardware, l0cated at 1584 Fairfield Road, appears in the background.

If you’re in Vancouver visit HighNet Energy Inc. at their showroom at 2141 Burrard Street.

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  1. Susan Eyre-
    November 10, 2014 at 9:53 am

    Such good new! when mercury bulbs break, they are dangerous.
    Is this a company that we can invest in Andrew? We need ethical investments to divest too, instead of pro-petro manulife, Walmart etc in the RRSPs’ pkg. We would really like to use our RRSP to invest in solar to sell to the grid tax-free, but we aren’t allowed to legally. What can we do to promote such a great product such as the healthy, non-breakable light bulb?

  2. Mike Sanborn-
    November 9, 2014 at 9:24 am

    Very neat. One question that comes to mind is whether the liquid poses any challenges to safe disposal or recycling once the product has reached the end of its useful life.

    • November 9, 2014 at 9:28 am

      That was a question I asked. The liquid is apparently a non toxic silicone fluid. No Mercury (like in CFLs). They are visually appealing too.