The BC NDP today released Phase 1 of its BC Hydro review. While the BC Green Caucus supports the reestablishment of the BC Utilities Commission’s oversight role for BC Hydro, we are profoundly troubled with the cancellation of the Standing Offer program. This will have the effect of killing the clean energy (and their supply chain) sector in British Columbia right at the time when we are launching the CleanBC economic plan. This decision will mean that BC will almost certainly incur significant liability as project proponents who invested heavily to be part of the Standing Offer program, seek damages. On top of this, the cancellation of the program is a betrayal of indigenous communities across British Columbia who had positioned themselves to take advantage of the economic opportunities associated with clean energy production.

Today’s announcement reinforces yet another predictable outcome of the BC NDP’s fiscally-reckless decision to proceed with the construction of the Site C dam. Below I reproduce the media statement our caucus released in response to the BC NDP’s announcement.

Media Release

B.C. Green Caucus responds to release of BC Hydro Phase 1 review
For immediate release
February 14, 2019

VICTORIA, B.C. – The B.C. Green Caucus responded today to the government’s phase 1 BC Hydro Review.

“This government deserves significant credit for the steps they have announced today to address the politicization of BC Hydro by the previous government,” said Andrew Weaver, leader of the B.C. Green Party. “Re-establishing the BC Utilities Commission’s oversight role will help ensure future governments base their policy decisions in evidence, rather than what is politically expedient at the time.”

“However, the number one issue that remains unaddressed with today’s announcement is how BC Hydro is planning for the future. The economic strategy CleanBC announced late last year relies heavily on the electrification of buildings, transportation and industry. We need to be having a serious conversation about what changes need to happen to BC Hydro to accomplish our goals. The future is no longer big dams; it’s time our utility evolved.”

The BC Green Caucus also express concern about the way in which the standing offer program was cancelled, especially with regards to First Nations communities. It is not yet known how much financial risk the government is exposed to with the programs cancellation.

“You have investors who were told by government to invest their time and money into a program, and then you’ve pulled the rug out from under them,” said Weaver.

First Nations in particular were told that the standing offer program was an opportunity for economic development and energy self reliance, only to have the program end without significant consultation in advance.

“This pattern of government engaging First Nations after a decision has been made must come to an end,” said Adam Olsen, MLA for Saanich North and the Islands. “We do not build any trust when we ask First Nations to spend their money and time on partnerships with government, only to abruptly change course.”


Media contact
Macon McGinley, Press Secretary
+1 250-882-6187 |


  1. Jimmy Hill-
    February 27, 2019 at 5:33 pm

    The Zapped report is a travesty. We demand accountability for a government making false claims and falsified reports. All around the world independant power brings power where government projects fail to deliver. In BC the NDP has U-turned on a globally approved system for renewable power. Fake Report.

  2. February 14, 2019 at 4:36 pm

    Does this open or close doors on pilot low-output alternative energy projects supplying localized grid reinforcement?