Media Release

Reintroducing a bill to lower the voter age in British Columbia to 16

Today in the BC Legislature I reintroduced a bill that would lower the voter age in British Columbia to 16. This is the third time I’ve introduced this bill. I’ve provided a detailed rationale for it here, here and here, and expanded upon it further in a Vancouver Sun article that was published today.

Below I reproduce the video and text of my introduction of the bill, as well as the media statement that we released.

Video of Introduction

Text of Introduction

A. Weaver: It gives me great pleasure to introduce a bill that, if enacted, would lower the voting age to 16 in British Columbia.

The voting age in British Columbia was not always 18. Federally, it wasn’t until 1970 that the Canada Elections Act was amended to drop the voting age from 21 to 18. In British Columbia we made the jump in two steps. First, in 1952 we dropped the voting age from 21 to 19, but it wasn’t until 1992 that we made the subsequent change to lower the age to 18.

Around the world, more and more jurisdictions are openly discussing the notion of dropping the voting age to 16, and, in fact, a growing number have actually done so. Austria, Argentina, Brazil, Germany and Scotland are but a few of the jurisdictions that have extended voting rights to 16-year-olds.

There’s ample evidence to suggest that the earlier in life a voter casts their first ballot, the more likely they are to develop voting as a habit throughout their lifetime.

Sadly, in the 2017 election, only 56 percent of youth aged 18-24 and only 46 percent of young adults aged 25-34 voted here in British Columbia. Compare that to the provincial average of 61 percent and to the 75 percent of seniors aged 65-74 who voted.

It’s also a common misconception that 16-years-old are not as informed and engaged in political issues as older voters. The research, however, says otherwise.

Sixteen- and 17-year-olds are old enough to drive, pay taxes, get married and sign up for the military. They should have a say in the direction our province is heading as they ultimately inherit what we leave behind.

Mr. Speaker: The question is first reading of the bill.

Motion approved.

A. Weaver: I move that the bill be placed on the orders of the day for second reading at the next sitting of the House after today.

Bill M205, Election Amendment Act, 2018, introduced, read a first time and ordered to be placed on orders of the day for second reading at the next sitting of the House after today.

Media Release

Weaver re-introduces bill to extend voting rights to 16 and 17-year olds
For immediate release
March 13, 2018

VICTORIA, B.C. – Andrew Weaver, leader of the B.C. Green Party, introduced a Private Member’s bill to lower the voting age to 16 in B.C. This is the third time Weaver has introduced the bill.

“Young British Columbians have the greatest stake in the future of our province; they should have a say in the decisions our politicians make,” said Weaver.

“Yesterday, Elections B.C. announced that only 56.24% of 18-24 year olds and 46.35% of 25-35 year olds voted in our last provincial election. Voting rights have been extended to 16 year-olds in Scotland, Argentina, Austria and Brazil. Evidence from those jurisdictions shows that enfranchising these young voters has led to substantially higher levels of political participation.

“Moreover, research shows that the cognitive skills required to make calm, logically informed decisions are firmly in place by age 16. Young citizens of British Columbia are old enough to drive, pay taxes and sign up for the military. They are also the leaders of tomorrow. They should have a say in the direction we are heading, as they will inherit what we leave behind. B.C. should take this chance to strengthen our democracy and lower the voting age to 16.”


Media contact
Jillian Oliver, Press Secretary
+1 778-650-0597 |

Responding to BCUC hydro rate freeze rejection

In November of last year, the BC Government released a very misleading press release entitled Province delivers on commitment to freeze BC Hydro rates. The release stated:

The British Columbia government is delivering on its promise to freeze BC Hydro rates, putting an end to the years of spiralling electricity costs that have made life less affordable for B.C. homeowners and renters, Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Michelle Mungall announced today.

You would be forgiven if you thought that this announcement meant that BC Hydro rates were not going to go up this year. You were probably very upset if Fortis was your electricity provided. But it turned out that all the BC NDP had done was instruct BC Hydro to ask the independent British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC) to consider overturning its already approved 3% rate increase for 2018.

As I noted back in the fall, it was entirely uncertain whether the BCUC would agree to do this given the autonomy of the organization, the very legitimate concerns about the fiscal sustainability of BC Hydro, the ability for intervenors to provide further information and so forth. I suggested that the Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources owed British Columbians a formal correction to the press release. She refused.

Well as expected, today the British Columbia Utilities Commission rejected BC Hydro’s request for a rate freeze.

The BC NDP responded with a hastily issued press release expressing disappointment. They further noted (with scant details) that:

“BC Hydro residential customers who find themselves in an emergency – such as loss of employment, unanticipated medical expenses or pending eviction for example – will be eligible for a grant toward their outstanding BC Hydro bill. The grant is up to $600 and does not need to be repaid.”

I reproduce our media release below.

Media Release

Weaver responds to BCUC hydro rate freeze rejection
For immediate release
March 1, 2018

VICTORIA, B.C. – Andrew Weaver, leader of the B.C. Green Party, responded to the BCUC decision to reject the government’s proposed rate freeze, as well as the government’s proposal to provide a lifeline rate program to low-income British Columbians.

“I am glad that the government is respecting BCUC’s independence,” said Weaver.

“If governments had always done this, British Columbians would not be facing the travesty of the Site C boondoggle. BCUC makes its decisions based on evidence and in what is the best interests of ratepayers. Respect for proper process is essential for public trust in government and for the integrity of our democracy.

“While it’s encouraging to see the government adopting a more evidence-based, progressive approach to support British Columbians facing income insecurity, this demonstrates the need to move past ad-hoc, boutique supports and seriously consider a basic income. As the world and our province faces challenges such as automation and the gig economy, we must proactively respond with innovative ideas. Basic income is widely lauded by economists and will help ensure that nobody falls so far behind that they can’t pick themselves back up again. When British Columbians are truly income secure, they will be able to take risks such as starting small businesses, which will help build a truly thriving, 21st century economy.”


Media contact
Jillian Oliver, Press Secretary
+1 778-650-0597 |

Initial response to BC Budget 2018

Today was Budget Day in the BC Legislature. This is the first full budget announced by the new BC NDP minority government. While we haven’t had the time to fully digest all the details we are cautiously optimistic.

We are very pleased with the investment in childcare and early childhood education. However, we remain troubled with the government’s approach to dealing with the housing crisis. It is good to see that we have a government that is finally acknowledging there is a problem in housing, but there is much more that needs to be done. While a welcome first step, the proposals we heard today are not a bold enough response to our housing crisis.

We also remain concerned that the challenges presented by the emerging economy, and the challenge of climate change in particular are not receiving adequate attention. What was lacking in the budget speech was a vision for a strong, resilient diversified economy that build’s on British Columbia’s strengths (something that I will address in my budget response tomorrow).

When I rise tomorrow to speak to the budget, I will provide a more extensive analysis. Below is the media statement we released outlining our initial reaction.

Media Release

B.C. Greens respond to budget
For immediate release
February 20, 2018

VICTORIA, B.C. – The B.C. Green caucus issued the following response to the release of the provincial budget.

“It is refreshing to see a provincial budget that puts people back at its centre, but there is still much work to be done to meet British Columbians’ expectations for the future,” said Weaver.

“We need a vision for seizing the opportunities and addressing the challenges of the 21st century. Our goal shouldn’t just be to only fix the shortcomings of the last 16 years – as leaders we need to champion a clear plan for the economy and the challenges and opportunities of the coming decades.

“It is good to see that we have a government that is finally acknowledging there is a problem in housing, but there is much more that needs to be done. While a welcome first step, the proposals we heard today are not a bold enough response to our housing crisis.

“Many of the other tools the government has put on the table are promising but what matters is whether these initiatives will be implemented in a way that set us on a path to a different future and ensures the next generation won’t be dealing with the same challenges we face right now.

“It is encouraging to see such a significant emphasis on child care. This is a core commitment to our Confidence and Supply Agreement and we have been working diligently to consult with the government on how we can best achieve our shared goals.

“However, we are still concerned that the challenges presented by the emerging economy, and the challenge of climate change in particular are not receiving adequate attention. Without a clear vision and decisive action we risk undermining all of the progress we could make on childcare and housing.

“Over the coming days and weeks our caucus will be seeking more information from the government about the specifics of their budget policies.”

Sonia Furstenau, who has been collaborating with the government on the child care plan, said the government’s articulation of Child Care B.C. was promising.

“The investments in childcare and early childhood education provide an us with an unparalleled opportunity to provide the next generation of British Columbians with the best possible conditions for success and to set B.C. on a path towards achieving far greater equality,” said Furstenau.

“I am grateful to see explicit recognition of the importance of educators and indigenous-led care.”


Media contact
Jillian Oliver

Auditor General’s report demonstrates it’s time to get serious on climate action plan

It’s been a busy day in the BC Legislature. Right after Question Period, the Speaker presented the Auditor General’s report entitled Managing Climate Change Risks.

Not surprisingly, the Auditor General concludes that “government is not adequately managing the risks posed by climate change” and that “government has not taken adequate action to meet provincial emission reduction targets”.

Below are my comments on the release of this welcome report.

Media Release

Weaver: Auditor General’s report demonstrates it’s time to get serious on climate action plan
For immediate release
February 15, 2018

VICTORIA, B.C. – Andrew Weaver, leader of the B.C. Green Party, released the following statement on the Auditor General’s report, Managing Climate Change Risks: An Independent Audit.

“The Auditor General’s finding that the government is not adequately managing the risks posed by climate change is extremely serious and deserve our immediate attention,” said Weaver.

“The unfortunate trend of politicians making grand statements about the importance of climate action and then doing nothing to meet our targets must end. In 2008 we were world leaders in climate action. The previous B.C. Liberal government not only failed to build on the Climate Action Plan, but dismantled the elements of the plan that were already in place. Now, the Auditor General has found that the government has done little to address the effects of climate change that are already underway.

“The risks of inaction to our province are enormous. Climate change has unique ramifications for each of B.C.’s precious ecosystems. We need to be honest with British Columbians: do our targets mean anything? If we truly care about the impacts of climate change on the next generation, we must follow our words with decisive action.

“Through our inaction we risk following behind greater global economic trends. In this minority government, we have an opportunity to make climate leadership a foundational accomplishment that drives our vision for the future of the province. We need a diversified, sustainable 21st century economy – one that will serve today’s generation without burdening generations to come. Other jurisdictions worldwide are reaping the economic rewards of the explosive growth in renewable energy. B.C. has everything we need to be a leader cleantech – just today it was announced that B.C. will receive a portion of federal supercluster funding. It’s time to stop chasing the sunset industries of yesterday and embrace these exciting opportunities.”


Media contact
Jillian Oliver, Press Secretary
+1 778-650-0597 |

Welcoming all-party committee report on ride-hailing

For the past two years I have been working to implement a legislative framework to enable transportation network companies (also known as ridehailing or ridesharing companies) to operate in British Columbia. I’ve introduced a private members’ bill not once, nor twice but rather three times in the past to try and move this issue forward.

In last fall’s session, the BC Government agreed to move a motion to send the issue of ridesharing to a select standing committee for further deliberations. That motion passed on November 28, 2017 with the support of the BC NDP and the BC Green caucuses, despite every BC Liberal MLA voting against it.

After extensive public consultations and committee deliberations, the Select Standing Committee on Crown Corporations completed its report which was released today. The report, entitled Transportation Network Companies in British Columbia, provides 32 recommendations to government as it develops legislation to enable ridesharing in this province.

As you will see from my comments during debate on the motion to adopt the report (reproduced in video and text below), I believe the process that led to its development provides an excellent example of collaborative work across party lines.

I am delighted that we now have a pathway forward. I’ll continue to work in the BC Legislature to ensure government introduces legislation in a timely fashion. There really are no longer any excuses for delay.

Below I also reproduce the media release that we released upon adoption of the report.

Video of my Statement

Text of my Statement

A. Weaver: It gives me great pleasure to rise and speak to the motion before us and thank the Chair and Deputy Chair for their work in guiding us through this process.

I will say that this is a wonderful example of collaborative work across party lines. We came together as individuals with diverse points of view, with diverse positions, and we came together to come up with a list of recommendations that were unanimously accepted. I think it serves well for future examples of how committees can work in British Columbia to put the betterment of all people front and centre and to recognize that disruptive technologies are critical to embrace while, at the same time, taking steps to do so in a manner that’s fair to those that are already existing here in this province.

Again, I’d like to thank the committee Chair, my committee members, as well as the incredible staff in the B.C. legislative committee Clerk’s office, who unbelievably were able to put together these vast testimonies from a diverse array of expert witnesses in such a short turnover. Without their good work and hard work, we wouldn’t have been able to get to where we are.

Thank you to everyone involved and thank you to the government for initiating this process.

Media Release

Weaver welcomes all-Party Committee report on ride-hailing
For immediate release
February 15, 2018

VICTORIA, B.C. – Andrew Weaver, leader of the B.C. Green Party, welcomed the release of the all-Party Committee report on ride-hailing. The committee was struck after Weaver introduced a Private Member’s Bill to enable ride-hailing in B.C. for the third time last Fall.

“This report represents exactly how our legislature should work: Members from all parties examining the evidence, engaging with the public and stakeholders and collaborating constructively towards a consensus,” said Weaver.

“The recommendations in this report should provide government with a useful guide towards a regulatory regime that all parties can support. It is essential that B.C.’s regulatory regime include considerations for public safety, workers’ rights, consumer protection and insurance. The government is also undertaking an effort to modernise the taxi industry – this can and should be done concurrently with the introduction of ride-hailing.

“Earlier today, Abacus Data released a poll indicating that 64% of British Columbians support bringing in ride-hailing by the end of this year. Only 9% of British Columbians are opposed. 6 years after ride-hailing companies first attempted to enter the B.C. market, Vancouver remains the largest city in North America without access to this service.

“Government has all the pieces it needs to move forward. There is no reason why B.C. should not have ride-hailing by the end of the year.”-30-

Media contact
Jillian Oliver, Press Secretary
+1 778-650-0597 |