Media Statement: October 18, 2016
Weaver Comments on MiningWatch Canada Mount Polley Lawsuit
For immediate release
Victoria B.C. – “The Mount Polley tailings pond breach shattered public confidence in government and industry’s ability to adequately protect the natural environment during mining operations, and for a good reason,” said Andrew Weaver, Leader of the B.C. Green Party and MLA for Oak Bay Gordon Head, regarding the private prosecution filed by MiningWatch Canada against the B.C. government and the Mount Polley Mining Corporation for violations of the federal Fisheries Act in connection with the 2014 tailings pond breach.
“B.C. had the largest mine waste disaster in Canadian history and yet no charges have been laid. This process cannot be taken lightly by government.The legacy of this incident has tarnished the international reputation of British Columbia’s important mining industry.
“Shortly after the tailings pond breach occurred in August 2014, I visited the Mount Polley mine site and was able to witness the local environmental devastation first hand. It was a sight to behold.
“I have recently spoken to residents who live on Quesnel Lake and know, two years later, that water quality is still a pressing issue. Every winter the lake overturns as the surface waters cool and the residual tailings waste rises to the surface.
“British Columbians deserve a government that will ensure their interests and the environment are protected.
“The B.C. Liberals have upset the balance between protecting the environment and protecting industry. I am grateful there are groups like MiningWatch Canada working to advance a safer equilibrium.”
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Media Contact:
Mat Wright
Press Secretary – Andrew Weaver MLA
1 250 216 3382
Media Statement: October 3, 2016
National Carbon Price a Welcome start: Andrew Weaver MLA
For immediate release
Victoria B.C. and Ottawa, Ontario – The announcement of a national price on carbon is a welcome start says Andrew Weaver, MLA for Oak Bay-Gordon Head and Leader of the B.C. Green Party.
The federal government announced today a carbon pricing scheme starting at $10 per tonne beginning in 2018, rising by $10 annually to $50 per tonne in 2022. Provinces and territories can choose a direct carbon tax, or a cap-and-trade model as long as greenhouse gas reduction targets are met.
“The national carbon price is an encouraging start to have all of Canada on a program to meet the commitments we signed under the Paris agreement.” says Andrew Weaver, “This plan also ensures any revenue collected remains in the provinces and territories allowing each jurisdiction flexibility on investments or tax relief.”
“Beyond a national carbon price what we need is federal investment to encourage all regions of Canada to move from a carbon intensive to a carbon neutral economy. That can, and should, involve many sectors like energy, transportation and construction. The opportunity now is to demonstrate national and international leadership from all levels of government. As leader of the B.C. Green Party my commitment is to ensure British Columbia is at the forefront of the transition to a 21st century economy.
“While this is a big step forward for Canada, the reality is that $10 per tonne is not enough to change behaviour. British Columbia should develop its own aggressive timeline for increases to its carbon tax. The effectiveness of our tax has been greatly reduced by not increasing it, as both Climate Leadership Teams recommended. British Columbia needs to make the pricing of carbon a centerpiece of our approach to economic development in order to properly and adequately address climate change.”
Andrew Weaver was on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Ontario for the announcement today.
Media Contact:
Mat Wright
Press Secretary – Andrew Weaver MLA
1 250 216 3382
Media Statement September 15, 2016
Andrew Weaver Renews Call to Reform Medical Service Premiums
For Immediate Release
Victoria, B.C. – While a freeze in Medical Service Plan (MSP) premium increases is certainly welcome, the government has lost the opportunity to fully reform this regressive tax says Andrew Weaver, MLA for Oak Bay – Gordon Head and Leader of the B.C. Green Party.
“British Columbians will see this MSP announcement for what it is, a cynical ploy to gain votes as we head into an election year”, says Andrew Weaver. “We need to eliminate the MSP, not simply tinker around its edges.”
“Over the last three years I have consistently and continually called for the MSP to rolled into the income tax system with premiums calculated on taxable income rather than the current system which is a flat tax no matter what people earn.” says Andrew Weaver. “This would turn a regressive tax into a fair system much like has already been done in Ontario”
In Ontario, if you earn $20,000 or more a year you pay the Ontario Health Premium (OHP). It ranges from $0 if your taxable income is $20,000 or less, and goes up to $900 per year if your taxable income is more than $200,600. Instead of the mail-out system we have in BC, the OHP is deducted from the pay and pensions of those with employment or pension income that meets the minimum threshold.
“Remember – only Ontario’s top earners are paying $900 per year. Right now people in British Columbia are paying $900 a year regardless of whether they earn $42,000 or $4,200,000 a year.”
“As Leader of the BC Green Party I can affirm that a B.C. Green Party government would eliminate the regressive monthly MSP premiums. Instead, a B.C. Green government would introduce a progressive system in which rates are determined by one’s earnings. And a net and substantive administrative savings to taxpayers would arise in rolling MSP premiums into the existing income tax system.” says Andrew Weaver
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Call to eliminate MSP premiums:
Moving Forward with MSP premiums:
Media contact:
Mat Wright – Press Secretary, Andrew Weaver MLA
1 250 216 3382
Media Statement: September 8th, 2016
Weaver applauds Grizzly Bear Foundation inquiry
For Immediate Release
Victoria B.C. – “I welcome the Grizzly Bear Foundation’s inquiry into the status and future of grizzly bears in British Columbia and am supportive of the critical lens through which they are looking at this complex issue,” says Andrew Weaver, the MLA for Oak Bay – Gordon Head and Leader of the B.C. Green Party.
“Expanding our focus beyond trophy hunting is essential. While it is certainly an important factor, both morally and symbolically, and one I do not support, talking about trophy hunting alone is not enough. If we fail to also address poaching and threats to grizzly habitat and food supplies — especially with climate change further compromising essential salmon and huckleberry stocks — we will fail to protect grizzly bears in the long term.
“I am thrilled the Grizzly Bear Foundation shares this view and is so dedicated to the long term survival of grizzly bears in British Columbia, as well as the respectful inclusion of all stakeholders.
“The protection of wildlife and biodiversity for future generation is an issue that is of great importance to me. My research staff and I have worked on this file since I was first elected; we will continue to do so into the upcoming election. Combined with the Auditor General’s report, this new inquiry will lead to positive changes in how we manage and respect grizzlies and other wildlife in B.C.
“I look forward to attending the public hearing in Victoria this October.”
Media Contact:
Mat Wright – Press Secretary, Andrew Weaver MLA
1 250 216 3382
Media Statement – August 19, 2016
Climate Action Announcement Definitely Not Leadership
For immediate release
Victoria B.C. – Andrew Weaver, MLA for Oak Bay – Gordon Head and leader of the B.C. Green Party calls the B.C. Government Climate Action announcement disappointing and lacking leadership.
“Not only has the Clark government dismantled many of the existing climate policies, but they are also ignoring key recommendations from their own expert panel on what needs to happen for B.C. to once again become a climate leader.
“For the past few years it has become painfully clear that the B.C. Liberals have chosen to forgo any leadership on this file, instead choosing to chase the LNG pipedream.
“As we go into another year with temperature records again being smashed across the world and in B.C., this government is content to fiddle and play games with carbon accounting. Without increasing the carbon levy there is no hope that British Columbia will meet its GHG reduction targets.
“For fifteenth consecutive month in a row, July 2016 emerged as the warmest month since measurements have been collected. Average global temperatures for the year-to-date period January-July 2016 shattered the previous record set in 2015. The government’s plan doesn’t demonstrate leadership. It demonstrates complacency and a wilful disregard of the urgency of dealing with climate change.
“British Columbia has an opportunity to become a leader in this world, establishing a 21st century economy built on innovation and clean technology. This goal cannot be realized with the current administration’s directionless approach to governance.
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Backgrounder – Changes since Christy Clark became Premier
Under Premier Gordon Campbell, British Columbia emerged as an international leader in climate policy. But since Christy Clark has taken over at the helm, we’ve move from being a leader to becoming a laggard. The legacy of Premier Clark’s so-called climate leadership to date is as follows:
Media contact
Mat Wright – Press Secretary, Andrew Weaver MLA
1 250 216 3382