Media Release

Media Statement – Attack on Syrian Refugees Appalling

Media Statement January 9, 2016
Attack on Syrian Refugees Appalling
For Immediate Release

Victoria B.C. – “The pepper spray attack on Syrian refugees in Vancouver is appalling” says Andrew Weaver MLA for Oak Bay – Gordon Head and Leader of the B.C. Green Party.

More than two dozen men, women and children were treated by paramedics outside the Muslim Association of Canada Centre in Vancouver the evening of January 8 as they were peppered sprayed while attending an event welcoming them to Canada.

“British Columbian’s from all communities and all walks of life have opened their hearts, homes and wallets to support refugees from Syria. It is a testament to our collective compassion and the basic values we embrace as Canadians.” says Andrew Weaver. “This attack is shocking and I want to reassure all newcomers to our communities our welcome remains as strong as ever.”

Media contact

Mat Wright
Press Secretary – Andrew Weaver MLA
1 250 216 3382

COP21 Targets Require Ambitious Policy

Media Statement December 14, 2015
COP21 Targets Require Ambitious Policy
For immediate release

Victoria B.C. – Andrew Weaver, MLA for Oak Bay – Gordon Head and Leader of the B.C. Green Party welcomes the Paris climate agreement but cautions that it is only a first step towards reducing global greenhouse gas emissions.

The COP21 accord is non-binding and is designed to keep global temperatures to well below 2°C above preindustrial levels. “The world has already warmed by about 1°C and existing atmospheric carbon dioxide levels commit us to a further 0.6°C,” notes Weaver. “When you add in an additional warming of between 0.2 and 0.3°C from the permafrost carbon feedback, it makes it imperative that nations put forward far more aggressive greenhouse gas reduction targets than have been offered to date. The existing voluntary national targets make it virtually certain that 2°C warming will be broken this century.”

While the agreement includes all 195 nations and has legally binding provisions for the five year review, the targets are still voluntary and lack the policy measures needed to achieve the collective goal. Furthermore, until the World Trade Organization is part of the negotiations, it will be very difficult for any nation to enact policies that account for discrepancies in transjurisdictional emissions. “Countries that aggressively act to reduce emissions through carbon pricing need the ability to apply carbon tariffs on imports from jurisdictions that don’t,” adds Weaver.

“I am cautiously optimistic” said Andrew Weaver, “all countries have agreed to reduce emissions. In addition, developed nations have agreed to assist developing nations in adapting to a changing climate and to facilitate the transfer of clean technology.”

Andrew Weaver further notes that “For Canada to be recognized as a climate leader British Columbia must be part of the solution. We have an enormous opportunity in B.C. to invest in renewable energy such as solar, wind, and geothermal, as well as to further advance these sectors and globally export technology and expertise.”

British Columbia has the opportunity to harness natural resources, a nascent and growing clean tech sector, and skilled workers ready to accept the challenge. The current government, however,  is actively heading the opposite direction by continuing to support high carbon industries like LNG and thermal coal. They have already stated they will not meet the mandated 2020 targets and the assurance by Premier Clark that LNG exports will somehow offset growing provincial greenhouse gas emissions is completely misguided.

“Ambitious targets require ambitious policy,” said Andrew Weaver. “To achieve a national transition to a low carbon economy our policies, political support, and subsidies need to shift away from backing the fossil fuel industry and start actively encouraging the clean technology sector.”

Media Enquiries
Mat Wright
Press Secretary – Andrew Weaver MLA
1 250 216 3382


Lack of Poverty Reduction Plan in British Columbia Unacceptable

Media Statement: December 10, 2015
Andrew Weaver: Lack of Poverty Reduction Plan in British Columbia Unacceptable
For Immediate Release

Today, Andrew Weaver, MLA for Oak Bay Gordon Head and Leader of the BC Green Party, reiterated his call for the Provincial Government to develop a comprehensive strategy to end poverty in our province. British Columbia is now the only Province without a poverty reduction plan, yet is projected to have the fastest growing economy in the country.

“It is unacceptable that in a province with an economy as strong as ours that we are the only ones neglecting our responsibility to our citizens who are struggling to afford the cost of living,” said Andrew Weaver.

An October 2015 report by Citizens for Public Justice showed British Columbia had a 16.3% overall poverty rate and was the only province left that had not advanced a poverty reduction strategy. CIBC World Markets released a report in November predicting British Columbia would lead the country in terms of economic growth in 2016.

In response to the tent community on the lawn beside the Victoria Law Courts, the government has pledged more money for a new shelter in the region, and that campers would be asked to leave if they didn’t accept the province’s offer of housing. The Premier also suggested that the best way to fight poverty was to let the economy grow.

“This is what is wrong with our poverty reduction policy in British Columbia,” said Andrew Weaver. “We have a government that advances short term solutions like shelters, while suggesting for years that we need to wait for our economy to grow before we can take real action. Now we have the fastest growing economy in the country and we still haven’t advanced a plan.”

Other jurisdictions are finding ways to address poverty issues while saving the government money. Housing-first poverty strategies have been one of the foundational aspects of poverty reduction plans in Utah, Denver, Medicine Hat and a growing number of other jurisdictions. This approach recognizes housing insecurity as a key systemic issue contributing to poverty and shifts from emergency management of homelessness, to providing homes for those who need them.  By addressing this issue head-on, rather than through a patchwork of services, government costs are ultimately reduced.

“A good place for a poverty reduction plan to start would be addressing the difficulties British Columbians are having finding affordable and supportive housing,” said Andrew Weaver. “This isn’t an either or – we need to continue to develop a strong economy, while ensuring that British Columbians aren’t being left out in the cold.”


Media Enquiries:

Mat Wright
Press Secretary – Andrew Weaver MLA
Cell: 250 216 3382
Twitter: @MatVic

Parliament Buildings
Room 027C
Victoria BC V8V 1X4

Operations should immediately cease at Shawnigan soil treatment site

Media Statement December 1, 2015
Operations should immediately cease at Shawnigan soil treatment site – Andrew Weaver MLA
For Immediate Release

Andrew Weaver, MLA for Oak Bay Gordon Head and Deputy Leader of the BC Green Party is calling on Island Health and the Ministry of Environment to immediately shut down operations at the contaminated soil processing facility near Shawnigan Lake, in response to a CVRD report released today.

“The release of the engineering report raises very serious concerns regarding the safety of the ongoing operations.” said Andrew Weaver. “There has been a profound and pervasive dereliction of duty within the Ministries of Environment and Energy and Mines. The citizens of the region have collectively lost confidence in the ability of the BC Liberals to look out for their safety.”

The report, commissioned by the Cowichan Valley Regional District, identifies serious concerns about surface runoff and throughflow potentially becoming contaminated but not adequately being contained or treated. In particular, it concluded that “runoff storm water sourced from the SIA site is bypassing the sediment pond (i.e. by flowing under it) and is being discharged directly onto the land owned by the CVRD.” This occurred despite the fact the BC Government mandates that all surface water is required to be “contained on the property and treated in accordance with the permit”.

The report cites a lack of clarity regarding provisions related to the infiltration of surface water and suggests that “stormwater from a facility that handles contaminated soil should be managed in a way that allows for contaminant sampling and controlled discharge.”

“How the BC Liberals issued an operating permit in light of the very serious findings of the CVRD report is beyond me.” said Andrew Weaver. “The permit should be immediately rescinded, operations ceased, and a full independent investigation initiated.”


Engineering report commissioned by CVRD (Linked here)

Media Contact

Mat Wright
Press Secretary – Andrew Weaver MLA
Cell: 250 216 3382
Twitter: @MatVic

Parliament Buildings
Room 027C
Victoria BC V8V 1X4

Climate Action Recommendations Highlight Inaction of Current Government

Media Release – November 27th 2015
Climate Action Recommendations Highlight Inaction of Current Government
For Immediate Release

Victoria B.C. – Andrew Weaver, MLA for Oak Bay Gordon Head and Deputy Leader of the BC Green Party called today’s release of the Climate Leadership Team’s recommendations the clearest sign yet that Christy Clark’s B.C. Liberal  government is failing to demonstrate any leadership in addressing climate change.

The recommendations show that due to the choices this government has made since 2012, there is no longer a pathway to meet our 2020 GHG reduction targets. The government’s response has been to highlight the need for a new 2030 target, with little offered about how we can get there.

“Setting targets is meaningless if the policy isn’t there to go along with it,” said Andrew Weaver. “I am deeply concerned that the government will use these recommendations to advance the political goals of the government, allowing them to talk about leadership now, without having to implement a single policy until after the next election.”

The report was submitted to government on October 31st but not made public until today, preventing any public debate while the legislature was sitting for the fall session. Furthermore this report comes on the last Friday before the Paris COP conference, giving the Premier an opportunity to talk about leadership, without having to commit to a single policy after the fact.

“The release of this document today is in keeping with this government’s approach of saying one thing and doing another,” said Andrew Weaver. “Premier Clark is now able to feign leadership in Paris this Fall, and then announce their true intentions next year when they bring their actual plan forward.”

Andrew Weaver served on the first Climate Action Team, set up by Gordon Campbell in 2007. At the time, the team was told that they had a responsibility to engage with British Columbians about the climate action plan they were developing. This contrasts sharply with the 2015 Climate Action Team set up by Christy Clark, where they were required to sign confidentiality agreements and were prohibited from talking about their work.

“Christy Clark’s government has steadily dismantled the innovative climate policy initiated under Gordon Campbell,” said Andrew Weaver. “The recommendations released today offer one pathway to reclaiming the leadership we have lost. If the government is serious about being a leader, they need to start implementing policy not making promises and setting new targets.”


Media Contact
Mat Wright
Press Secretary – Andrew Weaver MLA
Cell: 250 216 3382
Twitter: @MatVic
Parliament Buildings
Room 027C
Victoria BC V8V 1X4