Media Release

Response to the BC Budget

In his inaugural speech to the British Columbia Legislature, Oak Bay Gordon Head MLA and Deputy Leader of the BC Green Party Andrew Weaver outlined some of the major issues raised in the proposed budget.

Andrew Weaver with Vicki Huntington MLA

Andrew Weaver with Vicki Huntington MLA

“The tragic flooding that devastated Calgary and the Uttarakhand region of India, the wildfires engulfing Arizona, the heat wave in Las Vegas, the storm surge that wreaked havoc on New York last fall pale in comparison to the extreme weather events we have in store as a consequence of unchecked global warming.

What we are about to see are clear and significant shifts in economic policy, subsidies, innovation and engineering from the United States. The question is, what will BC do?” asks Andrew Weaver

The focus of the BC Liberal government on revenue for debt reduction and service provisions through LNG is a pipe dream. The clean technology and energy sector while still nascent is the way to progress to a low carbon economy, while improving the opportunities for investment and employment throughout the province.

“Yet ultimately, this vision is about more than the economy and the environment. Building a stable, low-carbon economy is about creating the opportunities that allow us to provide the essential public services that we all agree are necessary, without the uncertainty and risk of boom-and-bust funding cycles. In my riding of Oak Bay-Gordon Head alone, we face significant challenges in enhancing seniors care, in addressing adolescent mental health issues, in finding cost-effective means of dealing with our sewage. We must work with schools, colleges and universities to map a path for continued world class education, and one that addresses the significant challenges youth face in breaking into the job market. These are just a few of many examples of challenges whose solutions rest on the foundation of a strong, stable, low-carbon economy. Together, let’s make this possible.” states  Andrew Weaver

British Columbia can and should be a leader in clean energy and technology, a policy that was adopted by a previous Liberal government only a few years ago. The guarantees that LNG investment and revenue will meet the government’s projections simply are not there, and to base the future of the economy on one sector is a disservice to the people of BC.

The full text of Andrew Weaver’s speech to the House is available in PDF format.

Mat Wright
Press Secretary – Andrew Weaver MLA
Office: (1) 250 953 4656
Mobile: (1) 250 216 3382