Media Statement April 13th 2014
Kitimat Vote a Clear Message Against Northern Gateway
For Immediate Release
Victoria BC – Andrew Weaver welcomes the vote by the residents of Kitimat reject the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline project. We also congratulate the Mayor and Council of Kitimat for pursuing a democratic process allowing the people directly affected by the terminal to voice their opinion. The 58% against the project is a clear message, and we urge governments at all levels to respect the people of Kitimat, and the majority of people in British Columbia, who oppose this pipeline, and the increased tanker traffic.
“No means No, not a pathway to yes. I wish to congratulate the Mayor and Council of Kitimat for allowing the plebiscite, and the residents for clearly demonstrating their opposition to Northern Gateway. I also urge all levels of government, especially the Federal Cabinet, to respect the decision.” said Andrew Weaver – MLA, Oak Bay – Gordon Head
Coastal First Nations, and those along the pipeline route, are unanimous in their opposition to Northern Gateway. The B.C. government is opposed to the pipeline and terminal saying Enbridge has failed to address fundamental questions in their submission to the National Energy Board hearings. Provincial wide polls have consistently shown the majority of people in B.C. are against the project, and now the people of Kitimat have expressed their opposition.
“This is another nail in the coffin for Northern Gateway. The people of Kitimat should be congratulated by everyone throughout the province for their determined stance. They weighed the environmental risks to the small economic benefits and made the right choice” said Adam Olsen, interim leader of the B.C. Green Party
Media Contact:
Mat Wright – Press Secretary, Andrew Weaver MLA
(1) 250 216 3382
Media Statement: April 2nd, 2014
Andrew Weaver and BC Green Party Interim Leader Adam Olsen Approved as Intervenors in NEB Trans Mountain Pipeline Hearings
For Immediate Release
Victoria BC – The National Energy Board has issued the list of approved interveners and commentators for the upcoming hearings on the proposed Kinder Morgan – Trans Mountain pipeline project. Out of more than 2100 applicants, 1250 have been accepted to comment and 400 to submit evidence as intervenors and question the proponents, with the formal process to be completed by July 2015.
As the only British Columbia MLA to receive intervenor status, Andrew Weaver’s application was approved both as an individual with relevant information or expertise and as a representative of a directly affected group, the provincial constituency of Oak Bay-Gordon Head. As a scientist, Andrew Weaver will be able to directly question the current knowledge and research on the behavior of diluted bitumen in marine environments, and as a representative of Oak Bay – Gordon Head, he will be seeking input from his constituents as to their concerns about what the impact of greater tanker traffic and potential spills will have in their community.
“I believe that my constituents have the right to have their voices represented and their concerns addressed in these hearings. I look forward to engaging with the community on the potential impacts of this project.” said Andrew Weaver
Adam Olsen, Interim Leader of the BC Green Party, also received intervenor status and will be questioning the legality of the pipeline proposal under the Douglas Treaty and the risks to First Nations and commercial fishing should a spill occur.
“There has been a complete lack of meaningful consultation with First Nations by Kinder Morgan and the Government of Canada. We do not know the impacts on First Nations’ and commercial fisheries if a diluted bitumen spill were to happen on the south coast. There are serious questions to answer,” said Adam Olsen.
Media Contact
Mat Wright – Press Secretary, Andrew Weaver MLA
1 250 216 3382
Anyone in the media business knows that a headline writer’s goal is to attract a potential reader to an article. So when a provocative headline says something like Green Party MLA supports refinery, you can bet that heads will turn. In this age of sound bites and 140 character tweets, too often the subtleties explored within the full article are overlooked. And that is precisely what is wrong with much of our political discourse in British Columbia. Issues are not black and white; they are nuanced shades of grey.
In what follows, I provide an analysis of the issues surrounding the expansion of tar sands and proposed pipeline projects in North America. I am hoping this piece will provide a catalyst for further discussion.
1. Bitumen by rail
In British Columbia, oil is currently being brought by rail to Vancouver. In fact bitumen by rail is on the rise and frankly, there is little we can do about that.
Under the Canada Transportation Act there are a number of obligations that rail companies must comply with. If they do not comply with these obligations they can be taken to court. Here are three examples:
So what does this all mean? If a company based in Alberta wishes to ship heavy crude to Prince Rupert or Kitimat they can choose to ship it through a railway corporation. Legally CNI or CP would be obligated to accept such a cargo, as long as it met the current regulations (e.g. type of tanker car, adequate loading and unloading facilities, proper labeling and quantities). They could negotiate on liability concerns but must sign an agreement dividing the proportion of liability if an accident was to occur. But in other words, the rail company cannot say ‘no’.
Numerous derailments have been in the news of late. I am reasonably confident that I am not alone in British Columbia in wanting to slow down the flow of bitumen by rail though Vancouver and numerous communities in the BC interior.
2. The Kinder Morgan pipeline
In British Columbia, diluted bitumen (dilbit) is also being piped through the Kinder Morgan line to Burnaby where it is loaded onto tankers. About one tanker a week laden with dilbit is passing along the coast of the Oak Bay-Gordon Head riding on its way to refineries in Asia or California. In the fall of 2013, Environment Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Natural Resources Canada published a report entitled Properties, Composition and Marine Spill Behaviour, Fate and Transport of Two Diluted Bitumen Produc ts form the Canadian Oil Sands. Its findings were clear. These include:
Now one thing is certain, with the Fraser River outflow, we have no shortage of sediments suspended in the waters of Juan de Fuca and Georgia Strait. Can you imagine the economic and environmental costs of a dilbit spill in Vancouver Harbour or the coastal waters along Vancouver Island? This is why I called for moratorium on dilbit tanker traffic from the Burnaby port on September 19, 2013.
In fact a recently released government-commissioned risk analysis has identified the southern tip of Vancouver Island (which includes the riding of Oak Bay-Gordon Head) as one of the most probable areas for a major heavy oil spill. The report notes that both the Northern Gateway and Kinder Morgan proposals would lead to “very high” risk of a major oil spill. That’s frankly unacceptable.
3. The Alberta tar sands and climate change
I’ve worked as a climate scientist for more than 20 years and served as a Lead Author on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. I acted as the Chief Editor of the Journal of Climate published by the American Meteorological Society for five years and I’ve published numerous papers on the topic. Rest assured, I understand the profound consequences that global warming has and will have on our natural environment. Frankly, witnessing British Columbia drift away from its position of leadership on this file is one of the main reasons I decided to run for office.
In 2012 Neil Swart, a PhD student working in my lab, and I published a paper examining the global warming potential of a variety of resources. I further expanded upon this in a piece I wrote in the Huffington Post. We asked the specific question as to how much global warming would occur if we completely burned a variety of fossil fuel resources. Here is what we calculated for the following resources:
In other words, the global warming potential of the Alberta tar sands, and in fact all global conventional and unconventional oil reserves, pale in comparison with the potential from coal and unconventional natural gas. This does not mean the tar sands get a “get out of jail free” card. They represent the largest source of greenhouse gas emission growth in Canada and are the single largest reason Canada is failing to meet it’s international climate commitments and failing to be a climate leader.
There are many problems with the rate at which tar sand development is expanding as I note in this Youtube video. This is why I joined Chief Adam of the Chipewyan Nation and Neil Young in a press conference on January 12 to launch the Honour the Treaties tour. I support Chief Adam in his Draw a Line in the Sand campaign. To quote Chief Adam from the press conference: “We don’t want to shut down the tar sands, we want to slow down the tar sands”. The Chipewyan First Nation is asking that their Treaty 8 rights be respected. They want promises of reclamation to keep pace with expansion; and they want assurances that they will have access to clean water.
What does slow down mean to me? It means fulfilling promises to reclaim the land that has been disturbed by existing tar sands exploration. It means ensuring that production doesn’t exceed the present rate of around two million barrels per day. It means reclamation must be ramped up because expansion of the tar sands to date has vastly exceeded reclamation. And it means the implementation of a national strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and our reliance on fossil fuels using the wealth of today to position ourselves for the economy of tomorrow, much as Norway has done in Europe.
4. The Keystone XL pipeline
The discovery of enormous reserves of shale oil in the Bakken and Eagle Ford formations in the United States means that for the first time since 1973 (when a ban on crude oil exports was introduced), the US is considering exporting crude oil abroad. At the same time, President Obama is mulling over a long awaited decision concerning the Keystone pipeline approval. The US State Department recently released their Final Environmental Impact Statement providing the necessary background information to inform President Obama’s decision.
I believe that President Obama will reject the Keystone pipeline application. While I expect his rationale will be cloaked in environmental concerns, I suspect that central to his decision will be a desire to ensure a domestic market for Bakken and Eagle Ford formation shale oil. That is, the construction of the Keystone pipeline will mean a commitment to dependence on dilbit from the tar sands and further pressure to export US produced shale oil. By rejecting the Keystone pipeline application, there will be a US market for US shale oil thereby keeping in place the 1973 ban on exports.
So where does the drying up of the US market leave Canadian tar sand production? There will be enormous pressure from an industry that has invested billions and a federal government that has gone all-in on tar sands bitumen extraction as a catalyst for the Canadian economy to push this land-locked product to foreign markets. I, like many of you, did not vote for this government. And I, like many of you, believe that Mr. Harper has done enormous damage to our country’s identity and international reputation. But does this mean I am trying to shut down Canada’s oil and gas industry? Of course not.
5. The Northern Gateway pipeline
The proposed Northern Gateway project would see 525,000 barrels of the heavy oil diluted bitumen (dilbit) transported across British Columbia each day and loaded onto super tankers for shipment to international refineries. I’ve been opposed to the Northern Gateway project for quite some time for a number of reasons.
First and foremost, Northern Gateway does not have a social license to proceed. Virtually every First Nation is opposed to the project and the Northern Gateway pipeline would go through their traditional territories so their wishes must be respected. The overwhelming majority of British Columbians are also against this project. As far as I am concerned, Northern Gateway has burned too many bridges, alienated too many First Nations and lost the trust of the people of BC. It’s time for the Northern Gateway proponents to move on.
Second, tanker traffic along the BC coast is an accident waiting to happen as the waters are hazardous to navigate. Were a dilbit spill to occur, the Environmental destruction would be profound. To date no oil spill response study has been able to account for dilbit; studies have only analyzed what would happen in the case of a spill from more commonly shipped crude oil. According to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans’ own recent submission to Treasury Board: “Behaviour models specific to dilbit spills do not exist, and existing commercial models for conventional oil do not allow parameter specific modifications.” But dilbit is unlike other crude oils in that whereas most oils will float on the surface, dilbit can sink. Once that happens, we don’t know where it will go, how it will interact with currents and tides or how we could reasonably clean it up. In some areas it is projected that only 3% of floating crude oil could be cleaned up in the event of a spill. That number is already dismally low. With dilbit it would be even lower. We need to keep dilbit out of our coastal waters.
Third, I am troubled by the potential for lasting environmental degradation should a dilbit leak occur in the pristine wilderness regions of Northern BC. This is particularly concerning if such a leak occurred in the vicinity of a stream or river. We have to look no further than the July 2010 Kalamazoo River dilbit spill to see what the effects might be. Three and a half years later, they are still trying to clean up the remnants of the 3.3 million litre spill.
Fourth, shipping raw products abroad means shipping jobs abroad. Other nations need propane, jet fuel, diesel, lumber and paper. They do not need dilbit and raw logs. We should be providing increased value here in Canada.
6. The BC Government’s five conditions.
The British Columbia government has outlined five conditions that must be met for their acceptance of heavy oil pipelines projects. These are
I support these five conditions. But in addition and for the reasons outline above, the BC Green Party has added a sixth condition:
On December 19th, the National Energy Board Joint Review Panel recommended that the federal government approve the Northern Gateway project subject to 209 conditions that should be met. This decision partially meets the first condition above. The final decision on project approval now rests with Mr. Harper and his cabinet. They have until June 17, 2014 to respond. If Obama does not approve the Keystone XL pipeline, Harper will be under increased pressure to give the go ahead to Northern Gateway despite the wishes of British Columbians and the fact that 2015 is an election year.
Were this to occur, it would be particularly ironic since in 1980 when Trudeau introduced the National Energy Program, Albertans were outraged. They argued that it was utterly inappropriate for the federal government to interfere with their energy policy as it was deemed to be within provincial jurisdiction.
7. Future pipelines
While continuing to oppose the unbounded growth of bitumen extraction from the tar sands and to highlight the dangers of transporting it across our province, we must be honest about the immense economic pressure to transport it across BC so that it can be exported overseas. While the safest solution for BC would be no new pipelines, we have a responsibility to educate ourselves about what proposals are on the table.
David Black is one of my constituents, and I met with him to explore the details behind his refinery proposal. From what I gathered he too wants to protect this coast and, in my view, it is his opposition to the sheer recklessness of proposing to load super tankers with impossible-to-clean-up dilbit that has caused him to search for alternatives. He too is apparently concerned about greenhouse gas emissions, which is why he proposed to build a refinery using the more expensive Fischer-Tropsch technology.
As with any fossil fuel project, the Kitimat refinery proposal poses serious environmental risks, not the least of which concerns a pipeline he would need to build to feed the refinery. Even if British Columbia insisted that bitumen be upgraded to synthetic crude in Alberta prior to its shipment, any transport of oil beneath our rivers is risky business, and so far I haven’t seen any appetite by British Columbians to take on these kinds of risks.
Any major project like this across the unceded territories of our First Nations fundamentally requires First Nation support as partners from the onset, not after the fact. Any major project like this would require a social license from British Columbians for it to proceed.
The Kitimat refinery proposal goes a long way to addressing the second of the five BC Government conditions. It meets the 6th condition of the BC Green Party since he would propose shipping diesel, propane and jet fuel rather than heavy oil. These products are already shipped to the Islands along our coast to meet local needs. But he certainly has his work cut out for him if he wishes to meet the other conditions.
8. Positioning ourselves for tomorrow
As the Green MLA for Oak-Bay Gordon Head, the first Green MLA in North America, and as someone who has spent my life working in the area of climate science, for anyone to suggest that I am “pro-oil” or “pro-pipeline” is frankly ridiculous.
Do I believe that we should strive to build value-added industry and to create good, long term jobs for British Columbians? Absolutely. Did I say that the Kitimat refinery proposal has merit? Yes within the context outlined above and as we transition to a low carbon economy. Am I in advocating for pipelines? No. Am I endorsing a specific project? No.
Let’s move beyond the eye-popping headlines and see what I actually said in the articles that appeared in the Georgia Strait here and here, the Victoria Times Colonist and the Prince George Citizen.
1) “I like to think the Green Party as a science-based, evidence-based common sense party,”
2) “It’s a party that realizes that we need gasoline in our cars but we also need to have a strategy to wean ourselves off that.”
3) “We’ve always said we’d like to see a transition as quickly as possible away from fossil-fuel dependence to renewable forms, and if we can use some of the wealth of today to assist us in that transition rapidly, so much the better,”
4) “Rail is bad news, dilbit in the water is bad news, dilbit on land over rivers and streams is potentially very bad news”
5) “B.C. Greens have agreed and accepted the five conditions of the B.C. Liberal government”
6) “There should be no transport of diluted bitumen both on land, which means through a pipeline, and coastal waters.”
7) “Obviously as the Green Party [MLA], I’d prefer to keep it in the ground as much as possible and start to invest sooner than later into the low-carbon economy of tomorrow, but I’m pragmatic and I recognize at some point one may need to develop a compromise and a compromise solution is one that would actually give jobs in B.C.”
8) “He said the upgraded synthetic crude, while still posing some environmental challenges, would be better than a diluted bitumen pipeline similar to the one proposed by Northern Gateway.”
9) “As far as I’m concerned, the Northern Gateway project is dead”
10) “But you don’t move society forward by only saying no to everything.”
That sure doesn’t look like advocating for a specific project. In fact, you’ll also note:
11) “Weaver doesn’t think its appropriate for an MLA to endorse or advocate for a specific project”
We must find solutions to transition our society away from fossil fuels in general, and coal in particular. However we must also recognize that this transition will not happen overnight. The coming decades will still see oil in our plastics and gas in our cars.
The British Columbia Green Party is a party of solutions, principled, pragmatic, and focused on building a prosperous Green British Columbia. To do this, we must be prepared to think outside the box and give any proposal a fair hearing, assessing it on its merits and then deciding what is in the best interest of the Province.
But it is British Columbians alone who can make these decisions. I believe that our democracy should be healthy enough for us to discuss the options we have and difficulties we face, without rushing to judgment. Our province has great potential, but it is only when we can talk together, that we can move toward the future we deserve.
And finally, let’s be clear, the BC Green Party is not a protest movement. We are a political party trying to move us forward towards a sustainable world recognizing that we are not there now. That is why I am hoping to reinvigorate the energy debate in BC. We need to discuss uncomfortable issues in an open and honest way. To those politicians who claim to be so concerned about greenhouse gas emissions, where are your voices in opposition to the proposed expansion of thermal coal exports? To those politicians who claim to be concerned about heavy oil spills, where are your voices with respect to existing dilbit transported to Burnaby and through our coastal waters? You should be joining me in demanding that bitumen is upgraded to synthetic crude in Alberta and that heavy oil be kept out of our coastal waters. To those politicians who claim to be against pipelines, where are your voices with respect to the growing trend of rail transport and the fact that the common carrier obligation prohibits a rail company from saying no to transport.
It’s time to get politics out of environmental policy and environmental policy into politics. After all, the environment really doesn’t care what political party you belong to.
Andrew Weaver, has formally applied as an official intervener for the National Energy Board hearings on the proposed expansion of Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain pipeline. Intervener status provides the opportunity to submit evidence, to question the company, experts and presenters on their submissions, and to request the information necessary to ensure the panel reaches a fully informed decision.
As the elected representative of a coastal riding Dr. Weaver has applied to represent his constituents’ concerns on the potential economic and environmental impacts of a marine oil spill, including impacts on private and public property and on local industries such as fisheries and tourism (see below).
As one of Canada’s leading scientists with expertise in physical oceanography, Dr. Weaver has also applied to present and to question evidence surrounding existing response capacity to marine heavy oil spills (see below).
Kinder Morgan is proposing twinning the current pipeline from Edmonton, Alberta to their facility in Burnaby BC, transporting diluted bitumen (dilbit) from the oil sands for export to Asian markets. Currently the pipeline has a capacity of 300 000 barrels per day, with five tankers per month transiting Vancouver harbour, the Salish Sea and Juan de Fuca. The expansion would mean a huge increase to 890 000 barrels per day, resulting in 34 tankers per month.
There already have been concerns raised about the pipeline route and harbour terminal traffic, but a recent report by the Puget Sound Partnership highlighted the risk of a shipping incident potentially causing a marine oil spill. That risk is now considered high (increase of 68%) due to the vastly increased traffic from the Kinder Morgan terminal in Vancouver, expansion at Delta Port and the Gateway Pacific terminal at Cherry Point in Washington State.
Oak Bay – Gordon Head constituents have overwhelmingly voiced concerns about dilbit tanker traffic through the Straight of Juan de Fuca. Any spill in the area would have a dramatic impact for property owners along the foreshore, beach users, local fisheries and tourism. Those concerns have been echoed by residents, municipalities and businesses up and down the coast.
How DilBit behaves in a marine environment is not fully understood, although recent studies have shown it sinks when mixed with sediments, making clean up and recovery extremely difficult. Three years after the Kalamazoo River spill, submerged DilBit is still being pulled from the river bed. How will Kinder Morgan address a marine incident, and potential spill? What are the economic impacts should one occur? How will tides and currents affect the trajectory of a spill, and can submerged oil be recovered? Those questions and more must be answered.
1) Application as the MLA for Oak Bay Gordon Head
As a Member of the Legislative Assembly of B.C., Dr. Weaver represents Oak Bay-Gordon Head (OBGH) on the south-east coast of Vancouver Island. OBGH falls along the proposed route for heavy oil tankers transporting diluted bitumen (dilbit) from the Trans Mountain pipeline to international markets.
Constituents of OBGH have overwhelmingly voiced concerns about dilbit tanker traffic along the coast of their riding. Those who have personal property along the coast and those who use public beaches will be significantly and directly affected by a potential marine dilbit spill. As their elected representative, Dr. Weaver has a responsibility to represent his constituents’ concerns to the panel, to cross-examine other Parties, to request necessary information and to report back to his constituents.
Furthermore, Dr. Weaver is also Deputy Leader of the BC Green Party (BCGP). The BCGP received 28% of the vote on Southern Vancouver Island during the 2014 provincial election, making it a significant representative body for voters throughout the region. As Deputy Leader, Dr. Weaver represents over 45,000 people on Southern Vancouver Island who voted for BCGP candidates who ran on the same platform to raise concerns about dilbit tanker traffic along the coast, many of whom have property directly along the proposed tanker route.
Existing evidence suggests dilbit sinks when mixed with sediments. Reports from the Kalamazoo River clean up state that submerged dilbit still has not been fully recovered, three years after the spill occurred. An oil spill in the Strait of Juan de Fuca would significantly and directly impact the lives of Dr. Weaver’s constituents with property along the coast and of those who frequent beaches in OBGH. A dilbit spill would likely have a longer-lasting impact than refined oils due to difficulties in accessing submerged dilbit for recovery.
Concerns voiced by OBGH constituents and BCGP voters have included but are not limited to:
As an elected representative it’s Dr. Weaver’s responsibility to represent these concerns and questions to the review panel. Dr. Weaver will require intervener status in order to cross-examine Parties, provide evidence and request necessary information so that he can fully and adequately meet this responsibility.
2) Application as an expert
Efforts have been made to assess BC’s preparedness for a diluted bitumen (dilbit) spill. Existing studies paint an incomplete picture of current knowledge and therefore require further supplementation to clearly outline existing knowledge and gaps in research.
Dr. Weaver holds a PhD in applied mathematics with a focus on ocean, atmosphere and climate dynamics. His early work examined the physical oceanography of coastal waters including the Strait of Juan de Fuca. He has a long, documented career of published expertise in physical ocean science as a Professor in the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences at the University of Victoria and prior to that, as a Professor in the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at McGill.
Dr. Weaver is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, the American Meteorological society and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He is the recipient of numerous awards including the 2011 A.G. Huntsman Award for Excellence in Marine Science. He is considered one of the world’s experts in ocean circulation modeling and has served on numerous national and international committees in this regard. He has published extensively in oceanographic journals including: Journal of Physical Oceanography; the Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research; Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology; Progress in Oceanography; Ocean and Coastal Management; Journal of Marine Research; Ocean Modelling; and Atmosphere-Ocean. As an internationally-regarded scientist, Dr. Weaver has advised local, provincial and international governments on science-based policy. He was a Lead Author on four of the five reports from the International Panel on Climate Change and recently co-authored an expert panel report for the Royal Society of Canada on “Sustaining Canadian marine biodiversity.” Dr. Weaver also participated in an oceanographic cruise in the Strait of Georgia, Discovery Passage, Johnstone Strait and Queen Charlotte Strait.
Dr. Weaver’s internationally-regarded expertise in physical oceanography and his experience in advising governments on science-based policy uniquely qualify him to intervene on issue 5 and to recommend terms and conditions for project approval under issue 8, particularly as these pertain to research on dilbit in marine environments, the likely impact of a potential spill in BC coastal waters, and gaps in research.
Meanwhile, the economic viability of the pipeline (Issue 2) depends on the economic viability of the upstream oil production. Investors world-wide, have warned about a carbon bubble, whereby global emissions targets will prevent the development of assets that contribute to carbon emissions, raising questions about the viability of long-term oil sands development and the wider economic threat from frozen carbon-based assets. These warnings have been echoed by reports from HSBC and statements from the President of the World Bank, Jim Yong Kim. As one of the world’s foremost climate scientists, Dr. Weaver has been at the forefront of domestic laws and international agreements regarding carbon emissions making him well-positioned to intervene on the likelihood of a carbon bubble undermining the economic feasibility of the project.
Today Neil Young kicked off his Canadian Honour the Treaties tour in Toronto. The tour is raising support for the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nations (ACFN) legal defense fun. ACFN are asking Canadians to respect their Treaty 8 rights under section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982:
Section 35:
The ACFN drawing a line in the sand and arguing that unbounded growth of tar sands expansion is unsustainable. They are calling on industry to follow through on their promises to reclaim the land once it is mined instead surging forward unchecked. The ACFN are not calling for a shut down of the tar sands but rather want to see a more responsible path towards development and promised reclamation.
At 13:00 we held a press conference hosted by David Suzuki. Neil Young, Chief Allan Adam, David Suzuki, Eriel Deranger and I each gave a short presentation.
Below is the text of my statement:
“In 1997 the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change was adopted. Canada played an important role in negotiating the protocol and in 2002 ratified it. We committed to reduce our GHG emissions by 6% relative to 1990 levels by 2008-2012. While 192 nations are still parties to the Kyoto Protocol, Canada formally withdrew in 2012.
In 2007 the Harper government announced that it planned to develop a “Made in Canada” solution to greenhouse gas reductions — a 3% reduction of Canadian GHG levels relative to 1990 by 2020.”
Then in 2010 Canada announced that it would match US emission reduction targets. In the Canadian context, this meant increasing GHG emissions to be 2.5% above 1990 levels by 2020. This was in response to the 2009 Copenhagen Accord wherein nations submitted voluntary reduction targets with the goal of keeping global warming to less than 2°C above preindustrial levels.
But here’s the reality. The world has already warmed by about 0.8°C since preindustrial times. We are committed to a further warming of about 0.6°C as the climate system equilibrates to existing greenhouse gas levels, and about another 0.3°C this century through the permafrost carbon feedback. That’s a total if 1.7°C.
Even if every country met its voluntary GHG reduction target submitted to the Copenhagen Accord, we will almost certainly break the 2.0°C number with even odds that we’d break 3°C this century, with 4°C following shortly thereafter if emissions aren’t curtailed.
Without any doubt, there is a profound disconnect between science and policy.
The Alberta tar sands represent the fastest growing source of Canadian greenhouse gas emissions. We cannot hope to even meet our latest voluntary target unless continued growth in these emissions is curtailed.
In the process of trying to squeeze that last drop of oil out of the ground, we are going to greater and greater extents, with more and more profound environmental consequences. And the Alberta tar sands represent the poster child for environmental destruction and degradation that arises.
Canada is missing out on the next technological revolution — the clean tech revolution. Clean tech is the sector involved in the generation, transportation, storage and end use of renewable energy. While nations around the world are positioning themselves as leaders in tomorrow’s clean tech economy Canada is instead doubling down on yesterday’s economy — the economy of fossil fuels.
We’re entering an exciting age of innovation as we develop the means and ways of generating, transporting, storing and using clean, renewable energy. Let’s unleash our home-grown Canadian innovation. All the solutions to global warming are within our reach.”